Our squad!!!

Pro/Content Creator
Name: Andrew Choy
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
I got into competitive video games during the Covid Pandemic. I used to love playing call of duty as a kid ...

Pro/Content Creator
Name: Isaac Hernandez
Hometown: San Antonio, TX
I’ve always had a passion for gaming especially in the competitive scene. I grew up watching guys like ...

Content Creator
Name: Brandon Green
Hometown: Raleigh, NC
Raised in DC, PC gamer since 2013, and full force nerdium passion all rolled up into a nicely obscurely ...

Pro/Content Creator
Name: Julio Derteano
Hometown: Raleigh, NC
It was in my junior year of college when I was really thinking about my plans of either going into graduate ...

Content Creator
Snipingenos 23
Name: Geno Melone
Hometown: Huntley, IL
Gamer dad and husband that likes to stream! Dad life to the maxxx! Been playing video games since the Halo1 ...
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