Fears and Misconceptions of the Emerging Metaverse

February 17, 2022 L.C.S

The Metaverse is the future where there will be a hyper-expansive virtual world that

connects all other virtual sub-worlds. It is the next phase of the Internet as we know it. The

Metaverse is eliminating the web of pages to the web of coordinates. The Metaverse is changing

the web of information to the web of activities. This is the future where people will each other as

avatars, and get to do everything networking to providing services to creating collaborations to

gaming to relaxing to shopping and even consuming. The virtual economy is ultimately the

next phase, as we won’t be going on the internet, but we will be within the spatial internet.

The Metaverse is garnering a lot of bad information, however, as there are whirlwinds of

reports coming about because people don’t completely understand what the Metaverse is about.

Maybe it’s hard to grasp that the Metaverse is another universe, rather than just a game. The

Metaverse is going to be a platform where each sub-metaverse has its own economy. Each sub-

branch will have its own local culture. You will be able to invest in real estate in one world,

which will also be a direct reflection of your goals.

One of the biggest misconceptions going around is how the Metaverse is going to be

used. If you have been keeping your eyes on the news, some stories are telling a story of how the

Metaverse mainly lives in a world of gamers. This is not true. It’s not here to replace the real

world. There is no doubt that the e-commerce business is gradually replacing physical shops.

However, none of this is anything new. And there are plenty of companies making strides to

build into their Metaverse. NVIDIA has its version of the Metaverse called Omniverse. Huawei,

Tencent, Baidu, etc. are also making inroads into the Metaverse, diving into different domains.

There are different roles for brands within the Metaverse. Each brand has its platform as one size

does not fit all.


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