Can Anyone Be a Gamer?

January 20, 2022, L.C.S.

Being a Gamer isn’t as hard as some make it out to be. With nearly any label someone can apply

(artist, musician, babysitter, etc.), there should be some set of criteria for calling yourself a

gamer, right? Does anyone know what the criteria are? Does anyone know what the distinction is

between a gamer and a non-gamer? Is there some legend that specifies this?

This isn’t some task to dive into the gaming world to figure out what a Gamer is and how to

become on. This is a simple scenario of explaining that anyone can be a Gamer. A Gamer is a

person who energetically seeks out and plays games. However, you have to be aware that the

term Gamer brings with it selectiveness, which are people that will exclude you from the term if

they feel like you don’t care about the community or have sufficient knowledge behind the game

that you are playing. With the aforementioned statement, how the statement becomes it depends

on who you ask and what you play.

This is always going to be a subjective topic due to its nature of it. If you are someone who plays a

game as a hobby, you are a gamer. It does not matter how much time you spend, your skill level

or the nature of the game you play. A Gamer play games for various purposes (translations,

testing, reviews, money, tech support, etc) and this has its own categories. Gamers aren’t just

strictly defined; they are defined in various ways.

If you believe that you are a Gamer, and you are a Gamer. In fact, “Bring Your Sticks” and let’s

hop on a game now!


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