Content Creator


Name: Justin Black

Hometown: Westminster, MD

Total Followers: 1.2K

Twitter: 106

Twitch: 1.1K

YouTube: 67

Hello, my name is Justin but we may have crossed paths under my gamer tag Jusnasty. I have been in the video game seen participating at the end game level for 15+ years. It all started with Warcraft 3 frozen throne, and quickly lead into World of Warcraft where I have spent most of my gaming hours. During my time playing World of Warcraft, I met a lot of incredible people who helped me into the competitive scene, amongst those people are Dejester who has turned into a lifelong friend. G-haven is not only a community but it’s a family.

What's the first video game you ever played?

The first video game I ever played was the original Diablo with my dad. It was something that we used to do together growing up and always gave us something to talk about. Even to this day, we will still make references to the game that always brings a smile to our faces.

What's your favorite game and what draws you to it?

I’d have to say my favorite video game to date is World of Warcraft and the reason that year after year I continue playing the same game would be two things. 1. The people that you meet during your travels of wow. There are people you will never forget for a variety of reasons such (anger, good laughs, great players, and the troll) 2. Would be an ever-changing game that requires you to play different classes to stay at the top of your game.

How much do you game per day?

2-8 hours a day

What's a fun gaming fact about yourself?

Working on my gaming fun fact now.